
+ trans and non-binary audio archive

all of the excellent artists listed below have been truly generous with their music, and have made some or all of it available for games projects for free! there's enough to fit a wide variety of styles, and most can be reached for collaboration or commissions if needed (but all are still awesome, lovely people!).

while all the artists here have been included in our audio archive with their preferred licenses, please be sure to check all artists' individual licensing and attribution requirements before use! we've done our best to make things easy here, but it's always better to err on the side of artist attribution as a key requirement, and to know the difference between commercial and non-commercial use~

all that said, below is some of our favorite releases from the artists in the archive, for your parusal, or just your listening pleasure! a simple click will take you right to their respective bandcamp pages, or their personal websites (if available)~

Josie Brechner – CC-BY-SA 4.0, personal or commercial use

Stevia Sphere – CC-BY-SA 4.0, personal or commercial use

RAPIDPUNCHES – CC-BY-SA 3.0, personal or commercial use

Andrea La Rosa – CC-BY-SA 4.0, personal or commercial use

3D63 – CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0, personal or non-commercial use only

Loyalty Freak Music – CC0, personal or commercial use

WangleLine – CC-BY 4.0, personal or commercial use

genderfaerie – personal/non-commercial use only